Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stick Family!

BRAND NEW!!! You've seen them on the back window of cars! Time to get yours! THere are more designs coming, if you don't see what you like please check back! If you are interested in these please email me at vinyllyfinished@hotmail.com. The price ranges varies depending on how big you would like them! 5 cents a square inch!

Some Quick Ideas!

So I have been doing stuff for church and always forget to show!!These are the magnet easels that we did!So fun and easy!I love the saying on the tile! How true is that!Here are the kids pictures. Bad picture but cute frames Mark made and I put there names on them, so we remember who is who! hahaha! And last is my clock that Jody made a few years ago. One of my most favorite hymns is love at home! Now whenever we check the clock we get our reminder! Don't mind the bad walls! Old home, but we absolutly love it!